Hosting podcasts (and loving it) since 2019

Here's what I'm currently working on...
Altered States
Altered States is a show about the science of psychedelics, as well as their cultural impact. Season One launched in 2024, thanks to a collaboration between PRX and the UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics.
Other shows I've hosted
The Future as You'll Know it
Arielle was the host for Season 5 of The Future as You'll know it, which covered the role technology will play in the fight against climate change. Season 5 was released in 2024, and was made in collaboration withPineapple Media and Aventine, a non-profit research organization.
VICE News Reports
Starting in 2020, Arielle was the host of VICE News' flagship weekly news podcast for the entirety of its three-year run. The show won multiple awards over that period, and stood apart from other weekly news shows for its regular use of immersive audio gathered by producers and correspondents in the field.
A Show about Animals
Arielle Duhaime-Ross hosted, produced, and reported this series with a small team from VICE News' audio department. Season 1, published at the end of 2021, tackled the controversy surrounding Koko the Gorilla and the animal language research of the 1970s.
Unfortunately, VICE filed for bankruptcy and laid off its audio team before Arielle had a chance to begin working on Season 2.
Arielle launched Reset, Vox.com's technology podcast, in 2019. The show had a loyal following, and published three episodes a week for most of its run.
Guest spots
Science Friday
In 2024, Arielle was a regular guest host on the acclaimed radio show and podcast, Science Friday.